Features & Benefits

Monitor and manage your accounts securely and in real time.

DPLS is registered with the Council for Debt Collectors (CDC) and is a member of the Association of Debt Recovery Agents (ADRA), and exceeds the stringent legal standards laid down by the Debt Collectors Act (114/1998).

The Council For Debt Collectors South Africa

No find, no fee

Clients are not charged if DPLS does not get a result.

No downtime

Back-up generators keep the system working around the clock.

Live updates

The system is “live” and will update immediately as customers pay or feedback is obtained from the debtor or tracer/collector in the field,  allowing DPLS to provide exceptional service 24/7.

Immediate action

DPLS has a fast, efficient handover system to our call centre and external network, with a collection strategy methodology built into our debtors management system.

Direct access

Clients have direct online access to the system and can monitor daily audit trails or issue instructions on any account.

Fully secured

All interactions are fully password-protected and secure, using a trusted SSL Digital Certificate to establish an encrypted connection to our internal debtors management system.

Protected data

Secure off-site backups ensure the protection of valuable data. DPLS has a fully operational disaster recovery plan in case of emergency.


A strict code of conduct ensures that all our employees conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner, while our business trust accounts are audited on a quarterly basis.